In the deliberative opinion poll, a statistically representative sample of the nation or a community is gathered to discuss an issue in conditions that further deliberation.
Although the study was conducted in urban areas and did not attempt to be a statistically representative national sample, experts say it accurately reflects a worrisome trend.
The survey gathered 13,388 responses among scholars "statistically representative of global higher education's geographical and subject mix."
Personal interviews were conducted throughout the country to yield a statistically representative sample of the Japanese public.
The EOC was advised that the response was statistically representative.
That is, it is statistically representative to the required degree.
In other words, a quota sample is not statistically representative of the relevant population.
In addition, the self-selected group of participants who log their coins each month is not necessarily a statistically representative sample.
A sample of 1,200 people can be statistically representative of the American population if it is drawn at random.
The projections were based on statistically representative samples of the national balloting.