It is therefore possible to statistically control for genetic correlations that are built into different RI sets.
Several small-area analyses found higher asthma hospitalizations rates among African-Americans, after statistically controlling for income [ 4, 5, 15].
Similarly, after statistically controlling for differences in IQ, many outcome differences between racial-ethnic groups disappeared.
But even after statistically controlling for such characteristics, views of aging were highly correlated with long life.
Value-added modeling has been proposed to cope with this criticism by statistically controlling for innate ability and out-of-school contextual factors.
In addition, this link was maintained even when children with current diagnoses were excluded, as well as statistically controlling for current depressive symptoms.
If this is not feasible, the researcher may collect data on participant and situational characteristics in order to statistically control for their influence on the dependent, or outcome, variable.
Controlling for other factors statistically, a win in New Hampshire increases a candidate's share of the final primary count in all states by 27 percentage points.
But even after statistically controlling for these factors, the large difference between smokers and nonsmokers was evident.
This effect is present even after statistically controlling for gender inequality in general.