Hi - the data is based on the recent statistical releases by the Census bureau, which cover white, black and Hispanic populations by state.
For a full list of statistical releases, please visit the statistics pages of the website.
This month we are carrying out a user feedback survey for the 'UK official holdings of international reserves' statistical release.
The following tables are published on a quarterly basis and, since September 2011, have been accompanied by a new statistical release:
Items carried under Recent Developments, statistical releases issued less frequently than weekly, and other items posted over the past two weeks.
Meetings of the Federal Reserve Board and all statistical releases are shown elsewhere.
For official statistical releases across government visit the Publication Hub.
This statistical release presents information about congestion on local authority managed 'A' roads between September 2010 and July 2011.
Daily and weekly statistical releases (H.15)
Money market rates Daily and weekly statistical releases (H.15)