But in art, emotional ripeness trumps statistical reality.
Chase said the statistical reality was this: of the 53 eliminated lawyers, 30 were women and 30 were older than 40.
It is a statistical reality that women do about two-thirds of the labor involved in child care.
Most police professionals, black and white, say that racial profiling is part of the job, that it reflects statistical realities, not racism.
A lot, of course, has to do with economic and political perceptions, which always move markets (and voters) more than statistical realities.
Inevitably, though, some will persist in finding ironic the discrepancy between these images of affluence and the bleak statistical realities.
It was a polite bit of analysis, but one at least grounded in statistical reality.
He also criticizes modern scholarship on men as "dehumanizing" and lacking in awareness of statistical reality.
But statistical realities in the nation's fastest-growing state are sepia-toned and stark.
The grouping is, however, only defined roughly and as a statistical reality.