Skeptics immediately challenged even the findings of a few neutrons, calling them statistical illusions.
Have they led some economists to proclaim a surge in worker output that may well be a statistical illusion?
Most of that trade surplus, as we've seen, is a statistical illusion.
Until recently, conservatives have argued that the growth of income inequality is a statistical illusion.
He describes the observed rise in income inequality as a statistical illusion.
In other words, the whole story about workers not sharing in productivity gains will turn out to have been based on a statistical illusion.
These are but statistical illusions, he argues - another manifestation of the tyranny of numbers.
It will take many more studies, using more refined measurements, before astronomers know whether the crisscross pattern is merely a statistical illusion.
The increase was more of a statistical illusion, they say, resulting from an increased use of X-ray screening that caught cancers early.
Skeptics immediately challenged the reported observations, saying they were statistical illusions.