Other people will see if the moon is a full moon, but I kind of use a statistical formula.
Sports Illustrated, using a statistical formula, ranked the top 16 point guards in the league for its Feb. 10 issue.
The games play out according to a statistical formula known in SimLeague parlance as "log5."
The precise statistical formulae for testing the validity of restrictions may appear complex but the essential idea behind them is simple.
However, the valid arguments Mr. James presents are lost in his thicket of statistical formulas.
But the bureau has never felt that it could correct the undercount by statistical formulas and still preserve an accurate portrait of the population.
The paper is dense with technical terms and statistical formulas.
But the centers' statistical formulas do not yet include passive smoking deaths from heart diseases, which a recent study estimated at 37,000 a year.
It found 594 people, but a statistical formula that accounted for places not visited during the count produced the 1,780 figure.
If empirical data reach significance under the appropriate statistical formula, the research hypothesis is supported.