Economist Paul Krugman, attacks conservatives for resorting to "extraordinary series of attempts at statistical distortion".
There are some real issues here, but they are hard to discern among the statistical distortions and self-serving political rhetoric.
Economists also note that many American companies export directly from foreign plants, another source of statistical distortion.
At a news conference in Frankfurt today, Mr. Duisenberg said the money supply had climbed more slowly than thought as a result of statistical distortions.
This should be high on the list of election practices to reform, right after the statistical distortion created by the Electoral College system.
That eliminates any statistical distortion.
The January number was compared with the fourth quarter's average rate and suffered from statistical distortions because of the calculation method.
Economist Paul Krugman complains that conservatives have resorted to "extraordinary series of attempts at statistical distortion" in claiming high levels of mobility.
Feint-by-Number Tactics During the rest of the debate, both men engaged in a variety of statistical distortions.
Length time bias is a form of selection bias, a statistical distortion of results which can lead to incorrect conclusions about the data.