In 1855, he organized the statistical bureau of Oldenburg, of which he was director until 1872.
In 2003, the statistical bureau of the Supreme Court reported 24 registered cases of the use of children in the drug trade and trafficking.
It is important for the State Department to establish an independent statistical bureau to ensure separation between objective reporting and political interpretation of its statistics.
Anatoly Yefremovich Novoseltsev, a clumsy single father of two sons, works at a statistical bureau.
Shanghai's population stands at 13.49 million, according to a recent survey by the municipal statistical bureau.
But a bank official said that it was still awaiting figures from the statistical bureau, and that the numbers would be released by next Wednesday instead.
Mr. Dinkic said he also was thrown a computer diskette from a window of the statistical bureau that contains election results from individual polling stations.
The demographic features of the Croatian population are known through censuses, normally conducted in ten-year intervals and analysed by various statistical bureaus since the 1850s.
CICRED today is an association of more than 700 research organizations dealing with population issues, from national statistical bureaux to research departments in demography.
In the summer of 1848 he was assigned head of the newly inaugurated statistical bureau at the Ministry of Stüve in Hannover.