Ceiling effects on measurement compromise scientific truth and understanding through a number of related statistical aberrations.
Others say the larger numbers indicate nothing more than stepped up enforcement or even a statistical aberration.
Districts also say that clusters of cancer cases can simply be statistical aberrations.
Some of the increase, in some of the cities, is almost certainly a statistical aberration.
The findings seem real and not due to statistical aberrations, the authors said.
This, combined with revisions and statistical aberrations, compounded the normal analytical task.
But state officials suggest that the results may be only "a statistical aberration" rather than a flaw in the exam itself.
Mr. Mercurio agreed that the 8 percent first quarter price increase may be just a statistical aberration.
It looks to me like a statistical aberration.
The decline was called a statistical aberration, but it indicated a slowdown in the pace people plugging into the Internet.