However, most of the savings would have come from service cuts and station closures.
In addition, there have been station closures for safety reasons, when both escalators have been unserviceable.
Student Media cited budget constraints as the reason behind the station closure.
Over the ensuing days traffic and commuters in London were seriously disrupted by hoax bomb warning calls which led to station closures.
There is no guarantee that these funds would improve local programming or prevent station closures.
They adopted an approach where further attempts at station closures were unlikely, particularly where television service was otherwise unavailable.
It is cheaper to run this service than going through a lengthy legal process of applying for station closures.
There were a number of individual station closures prior to the line being closed:
There have been station closures for safety reasons, when both escalators have been unserviceable.
The station closures left the northern part of Brighton lacking rail service.