The debate over the fate of the property, which includes four reservoirs on three parcels, typifies a statewide trend.
McKellar's 1952 defeat was part of a statewide trend.
This reflects a statewide trend, Chief Costello said.
Democratic leaders contended that little had changed and that the elections turned on local issues and personalities, rather than any statewide trend.
Moreover, despite a decline in the overall crime rate, which mirrors a statewide trend, certain high-crime neighborhoods in Trenton are still barely livable.
The rise reflects a statewide trend, a spokeswoman for the department, Frances Tarlton, said.
But it points out that the results constitute a reversal of the statewide trend toward Democrats reported in polls in the 1987 and 1983 State Senate elections.
Humboldt County fits the statewide trend of increasingly liberal coastal counties and conservative interior counties, but some conservative voters remain.
Following a statewide trend, it has also streamlined services so that a series of tests can now be done in a day and more procedures performed on weekends.
The drop in auto theft mirrors a statewide trend, in which most felonies are down.