New Jersey has undertaken a statewide campaign against drugs focused on the schools.
"I'm doing everything to set up an infrastructure to establish a professional statewide campaign," she said.
But it became for him an appealing issue to bring before conservative voters in a statewide campaign.
He began raising money for his statewide political campaign nearly two years ago.
In Delaware, no statewide campaign may receive more than $1,000 from any outside group or person.
Casey's run for the Senate was his fifth statewide campaign in nine years.
"I have never run against anyone in a statewide campaign who has no public record at all," he said.
He would often donate $50,000 or more to various statewide campaigns.
And you need to build an infrastructure to run an effective statewide campaign.
Other groups on both sides of the issue spent $21 million more, making it the most expensive statewide campaign in history.