The statement deeply offended many at NBC News.
He later, after pressure, apologized, saying; "I'm sorry if my statement offended anybody."
Jeff lets his father know how much this statement offends him.
Its forceful statement of British sovereignty offended many in the Foreign Office, which is more communautaire.
Jones' sympathetic statements about communism offended Marceline's grandmother.
Trip squinted, hoping that his next statement wouldn't offend the other man.
For example the following statements would not offend me (and I suspect most Jews) 1) Historically the crucifixion of Jesus was blamed on the Jews.
When a designer's statements or work offended Fairchild, he would retaliate, sometimes banning any reference to them in his newspaper for years at a stretch.
This statement offends Phil and Claire, with Claire starting to think they are holding their children back.
This statement offended Yamaguchi.