It's a court-martial offense, the uttering of statements known to be false in response to an official inquiry.
The united Hussites formulated their demands in a statement known as the "Four Articles of Prague".
These statements, known as positive confessions, are said to miraculously change aspects of people's lives if spoken with faith.
The statement, then known as a 'Statement on Violence', was designed to refute "the notion that organized human violence is biologically determined".
The flat statement from one never known to lie destroyed Forbin's momentary feeling of superiority.
According to relevant statements known the award was announced via radio from the Führerbunker headquarters in Berlin on 28 April 1945.
Crisis communication can include crafting statements, known as "messages," often tested by research and polling.
Some years ago I recall hearing a statement known as "Murphy's Law" which says that "If it can be misunderstood, it will be."
They composed a brief statement known as the St. Andrew's Day Statement for the day on which it was released.
Bredt also discovered that a double bond cannot be placed at the bridgehead of a bridged ring system, a statement now known as Bredt's rule.