Albrecht is horrified by the murder but is forced to sign a statement justifying Ponto's death.
Captain, sometime between now and the time Bellini is ready to move, you will prepare a statement justifying our decision.
Billy Hutchinson of the UVF-linked Progressive Unionist Party (PUP) offered the following statement justifying Elliot's punishment killing: "No one but close relatives will miss Elliot.
Gardner intended his version to be a theological statement justifying the Gardnerian sequence of initiations.
Those are the countries the Government identified as India's potential nuclear adversaries in statements justifying the tests.
Broward County This letter is in response to your Nov. 14, 2000, memorandum in which you required the Broward County Canvassing Board (the "board") to submit a written statement of facts and circumstances justifying an amended certification of county returns.
The bishop should be aware that his summary action and the statement justifying it will be seen as an expression of contempt by many in the Long Island Jewish community and elsewhere.
Hours after the Defense Ministry issued a statement justifying its occupation of two villages in the Lacandon rain forest, Mr. Zedillo's office said they had been withdrawn "with the aim of promoting the relaxation of tensions in the state of Chiapas."
On January 22, the NBU released a statement justifying its refusal, claiming that IMF funds are by definition intended for balance of payments purposes, and may not be used to fund a budget deficit.
While these officials did not question that the intelligence raised strong suspicions, they found the connections between Al Shifa and Mr. bin Laden too indirect to support the public statements justifying the attack.