But the moment I put my hand to the imagined sword-hilt, a dim figure swept between me and the horseman, on my side of the window-a tall, stately female form.
The plants keep their formal, stately form.
The trees stood as dark and stately forms lost in shadow.
Captain Picard stood alongside Will Riker and watched the stately form of the Vulcan matriarch coalesce on the transporter pad.
This one has the stately form of Blue Bedder, but the flower spikes are two-toned: blue and white, truly knockouts.
This tree is known for its stately, majestic, symmetrical form and its beautiful silver-blue color.
Mexican Palmetto is grown as an ornamental for its robust, stately form, drought tolerance, and hardiness to USDA Zone 8.
But not upon that stately form riveted the gaze of Adrian - pale, breathless, trembling, he clung to the walls against which he leaned.
Something was amiss in the room, however, and after a minute I realized that Géza's stately form had vanished.
He was still whistling, his body half-way through the French window, when the door behind him opened, revealing a stately form.