Like many other Hungarians at the time residing in Switzerland with diplomatic status, he thereby became overnight a stateless, political refugee.
The Japanese occupiers declared the Jews stateless refugees and set up a ghetto instead.
This turned her into a stateless political refugee.
He now lives in Paris as a stateless political refugee, his Romanian citizenship having been revoked after 1978 by the communist government.
Nansen passports were internationally recognized identity cards first issued by the League of Nations to stateless refugees.
The government does not permit citizenship for Bhutanese refugees, so most of them have become stateless refugees.
Some were stateless refugees, and a few were citizens of other countries.
During the post-war reconstruction in Europe, she had worked as a volunteer amongst displaced and stateless refugees.
The stateless refugees needed permission from the Japanese to dispose of their property; others needed permission to move into the ghetto.
The plight of stateless Palestinian refugees is duly recognized.