Both casinos and state-sponsored gambling continue their fungus-like growth across this country.
Compare the warnings that government issues about tobacco to those about state-sponsored gambling.
Critics of state-sponsored gambling say it has a great social cost because it attracts people who would not normally gamble.
The goal is to focus the nation's attention on the spreading evil of state-sponsored and government-encouraged gambling.
A1 Playing the lottery at home by computer is the newest method of making state-sponsored gambling more enticing.
In the nation's capital, the movement to stop state-sponsored gambling has put forward legislation creating a bipartisan commission to study the wave of gambling.
To make a bigger profit, state-sponsored gambling must sell harder to the poor and the addicted.
I despise state-sponsored gambling as well as the form of torture that calls itself the "lie detector."
He and other critics also say the new machines are the next step in turning New York into a haven of state-sponsored gambling.
Count two more states as culprits in the rush to expand state-sponsored gambling.