Other states should solve this problem - particularly because an effective technique for name placement exists.
Without its help, there is no question that the states and localities can't solve the problem.
He said the state was solving its energy and budget problems, and predicted that the economy would bounce back.
More and more states are solving short-term budget problems by cutting back on the money they set aside to pay for their workers' retirement.
The secular state had not solved the Jewish problem; anti-Semitism was worse than ever.
Some states solve the problem by releasing other prisoners - including those the public rightly fears most, men who committed violent crimes.
At the same time I doubt whether the state alone can solve it.
The state solved the problem by buying a bridge in Pennsylvania, where bridges of this design were more common.
As if a single nation state could solve these problems on its own!
Most states would solve the problem by paying workfare participants less than the minimum wage.