An unverified announcement shortly before Acclaim's closing stated that the game would be relaunched by an unknown publisher sometime in early 2011.
Summersby reportedly stated shortly before her death: "The General is dead.
Boll stated shortly after the film's production that he would most likely make a Postal 2, even if it went direct-to-video.
She has been both praised and criticized for stating shortly after the killing that the motive of the accused, George Zimmerman, was racism.
'Nostalgia didn't come into it,' she stated shortly.
Let me shortly state my reasons for such confidence.
In 1868, he published a pamphlet entitled Irish Grievances shortly stated.
We must be in a position to - What is your general idea, stated shortly?
She stated shortly before her death that her main theme was always love in its various forms because she felt it was the basis of life.
Rubio stated shortly after taking office that he had no interest in running for president or vice president in 2012.