By March 1998, the state had selected the Red Alternative, now projected to cost $20 million.
To address residents' concerns that these are not isolated cases, the state has selected 21 Island districts for audits.
Citizens of Abilene were eager to have the state select a nearby site, for the boost it would provide to the local economy.
The new rules say states cannot select one Medicare drug plan and enroll all their beneficiaries in that plan.
The state has selected this area because of high unemployment, at least 11 percent year-round.
The state selected his nonprofit group as its preferred developer in 1995, but negotiations to complete the sale lasted three years.
There are 17 different fuel types as a result of federal gasoline requirements, and another seven that states have selected to meet emissions targets.
Beginning in March, 2008, the state will randomly select 2,000 people per month for 12 months.
Previously, the bishops would only be approved and confirmed by the Pope after the state selected them.
The state selected Gainesville, causing the biggest celebration in the history of the city.