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The cost of the new access at $4.50 an hour is still high in a country where state salaries average $20 a month.
It wasn't the state salary for full-time parents that had swayed her.
The couple also earned $266,336 in interest, and $145,285 for his state salary.
But many Russians earn far less than that, particularly teachers, doctors and others on fixed state salaries.
The total amount spent on state salaries did not decline.
The topic seemed to be higher state salaries for professional mothers.
Many legislators said they faced a financial problem because they could not live on their state salaries.
In 1969, for example, his state salary was $11,400 and he took in $7,929 from the law firm.
We have contained increases in state salaries and benefits while being fair to employees.
A vast majority of workers still receive low state salaries in pesos.