The Federal Government pays half of the state reimbursements, which can be as high as $2,000.
Hospital officials say state reimbursements for treatment of indigent patients is inadequate.
This was necessary in order to maximize state reimbursement for design and construction.
Under the measure, shore towns would be responsible for seeking state reimbursement for public beach costs.
Districts that teach homeless children from outside the district receive state reimbursement.
I think the city should pay for it and continue to fight for as much state reimbursement as possible.
But she said that if she did not receive the state reimbursement, she probably would have to make other arrangements for her son's care.
Under this formula, the state reimbursement increased from 50 to 75 percent.
They would receive state reimbursements to cover the full cost of educating homeless children.
The centers will continue to receive the bulk of state reimbursements for services deemed appropriate.