"It doesn't have to be a local person, but maybe someone in the state pageants."
The state pageants do not have to buy from the Schoppy family, and some don't.
All the delegates were first to required to win their state pageant, which in some states also meant holding a local title.
All but 1 of the 14 contestants in the state pageant are from Long Island.
She placed in the top ten in the state pageant.
Prior to competing in state pageants, the majority of delegates first were required to win a local title.
This was the first time that she competed in the state pageant.
At the state pageant, she also received an award for special achievement in evening gown.
Casey had been her first runner-up in the 2005 state pageant.
Women from areas where a state pageant is not held may apply as a delegate-at-large.