Soon afterwards, Deschanel walked out of a state meeting, straight into a lake, fully clothed.
It was like two heads of state meeting.
The assignment gave me a chance to travel the state meeting Democrats, both black and white, who cared about the issue.
They sent a representative, Joshua Clapp, to the state meetings at Faneuil Hall in Boston.
William Thomas Harris, who built a grocery store chain, died here Tuesday after collapsing at a state meeting of Southern Baptists.
The Libertarian Party of North Dakota has selected small business owner Eric Olson as their nominee at a state meeting.
When she was 12 years old, Tandon was spotted at a state meeting, and was selected to compete in two national events, and won a bronze medal.
She has been all over the state meeting and greeting and raising money to run.
Economics On 13 April, prior to the heads of state meeting, economic delegations met for discussions.
The state meeting is held at the main campus of the Pennsylvania State University in the middle of May.