Last year, the amount was nearly one and a half times the state limit for storage in any one place.
The national party's donations exceeded state limits, the lawsuit charges.
But they must meet Federal restrictions, which are more severe than state limits.
The city already faces a state constitutional limit on its outstanding debt.
Its five-year average of 188.2 million gallons a day, through 2000, is just below the state limit.
The services are free to most; those with incomes above state limits contribute according to a sliding scale.
To stay within the state limits, water suppliers are spreading the word about conservation.
Only one striped bass came to the fly (too small to keep - the state limit is 29 inches).
The problem, however, is that the city already faces a state constitutional limit on its debt.
The state limit on assessment increases for houses led to many being assessed in recent years at 4 or 5 percent of market value.