"I don't like it, my lord," he stated frankly.
Tom stated frankly, in his off-hand, business-like way, what his theory was.
Chubby, Zinky and most other ghetto dwellers frankly state that they chose their political allegiance according to where they lived.
Each of the four male witnesses stated frankly that they were Juan Carranza's bodyguards.
But we want a legal article that states frankly that no laws should violate Islamic law.
"It will no longer be an act of war but common banditry," the colonel stated frankly.
When one pays $172 per day, management frankly states they cannot furnish competent care.
She frankly stated that the essence of her life was to have not followed anyone else's rules and to have done as she pleased.
"That's exactly what it is," Anderton said, quick to see the advantage of stating frankly what he believed to be the simple truth.
"I'd buy a new hat, if I were you," he stated frankly.