For several years, the state fairgrounds were a popular destination.
It was within easy walking distance of the state fairgrounds.
It was purchased for $69,000, taken down in Chicago and reassembled at the state fairgrounds.
The exhibit was very popular and was moved into a permanent building on the state fairgrounds in 1919.
Mr. Avent's first job out of school was working for the state fairgrounds.
The grounds used to be the state fairground, and some buildings from that former incarnation remain very serviceable.
However she was repainted and moved in 1960 for display at the state fairgrounds in Detroit.
Among the commission's first projects were a new $6 million capitol annex and the construction of a new state fairgrounds.
Located on the State Fairgrounds, the $13 million athletic complex was financed by a special cigarette tax.
Pioneer Village, on the state fairgrounds, is a collection of various buildings from the pioneer era.