Legislators said the decline was deceptive since the state delayed spending on the interstate program.
I understand your modesty, but surely you realize your current state has only delayed the natural progression of our relationship.
As a result, some states, like California, have delayed their plans to enter the tobacco bond market.
He, too, is talking about tax cuts, and he thinks the state may delay a scheduled increase in the minimum wage.
Most Indian states have delayed conducting social audits, despite these being in place since 2006.
Several states also delayed hunting seasons or restricted hunting areas.
The state eased health care eligibility requirements for families with children and delayed a plan to charge premiums.
In addition, the state delayed special training for officers, which both sides considered one of the most important elements of the agreement.
Last year, as the deficit loomed, the state delayed the decline, freezing taxes at the 1989 rate of 7.875 percent.
The state is not ready to make a decision on how it wants to run the agencies and has been delaying a change in the employees' status.