He has said that if the state coordinators ask him to, he would once again actively seek the Presidency.
His campaign manager doubled as state coordinator for the John Birch Society.
While there are a few paid state coordinators, the bulk of the organizing and training is done by volunteers.
Once they've officially identified with the program, we have a paid state coordinator who oversees the decision making of a statewide board of directors.
Officials with Mr. Perot's group said the audience would comprise one state coordinator from each of the 50 states.
Each group is given 10 or 15 questions, depending on the format decided by the state coordinator.
He said the state coordinators would first have to report back to their chapters.
Their task was to persuade him and his 50 state coordinators that they share his concern about the Federal budget deficit.
The state coordinator for the program quickly explained to the media, "We're not religious-right types.
At age 25, South served as the youngest state coordinator in the 50 states.