Both states awarded a claim to the island to citizens of their states.
The state has awarded about $150,000 each year to hundreds of arts groups through the grant program.
The state funded it and awarded prizes to the winners.
Since the program began in 1996, the state has awarded 206 grants worth a total of $650 million.
The state awarded more than $66 million to eligible schools to improve students achievement.
The state awarded the college $27 million to fund the project, or 75% of the cost, towards construction, leaving the other counties to pay 25%.
And, the state awarded him a monthly pension of twenty dollars.
This week the state awarded $125,000 in grants to towns that are looking into sharing police services.
Earlier this week the state awarded $12.8 million to four nonprofit groups to provide 96 of those beds.
So far the state has awarded $1.9 million for park planning.