A map of the United States that Taylor colored and labeled with state abbreviations hangs on the wall.
The purpose was to make room for the ZIP codes in the address, rather than to standardize state abbreviations per se.
Each Congressional District has a link, named by its state abbreviation and its assigned number or noted At-large election.
This is substantiated by the state abbreviations NT and TA used within the show.
It is the official state abbreviation for South Australia.
Choose a state name from the list or a state abbreviation on the map for information about a states' points of contact.
Just like you would write any other city followed by the state abbreviation.
Remember to put a state abbreviation after the query; otherwise, Google will give up.
Simultaneously with the introduction of the ZIP code, two-letter state abbreviations were introduced.
Some were given a state abbreviation and a number, and were sent to be auctioned in various towns.