When Pennington received the stat book after the game, he looked for one number in particular.
He keeps a bunch of sharpened pencils next to his stat book, which is filled with handwritten lists of players and hieroglyphic statistical entries.
In a fury she snatched up the 'stat book and operated its activators.
"It didn't show up in the stat book, but his teammates and coaches certainly appreciated it."
Cooley was the only player not to get into the stat book in the 2009 Pro Bowl.
"All I can say is, it's down in the stat book," Ellis said.
"I was reading a stat book that showed he led his team in scoring at the age of 50," Gretzky said.
"In the stat book, it's not a three-putt because I was on the fringe," he said later, "but I used my putter three times."
According to the stat books piled up on the table, around a dozen players make the cut.
He was sitting at the broadcast table, running through the stat book and drinking black coffee from a paper cup.