It is a place of startling statistics.
Clarett's résumé as the freshman who sparked Ohio State to the national championship has some startling statistics: 1,237 rushing yards, a 5.6-yards-per-carry average and 16 touchdowns.
But "Strange Voices" also has a habit of dropping startling statistics that are then simply abandoned with no further information.
Consider these startling statistics:
The group, which ended its four-day meeting here today, offered some startling statistics about the progress of female candidates, especially in the battle for state and local office.
The proof that 23 years is too long to ignore changes in the workplace is these startling statistics.
The patient testing of evidence must give way to startling statistics, gripping anecdotes and snappy phrase-making.
The Broncos' offensive futility has led to some startling statistics.
Despite these startling statistics, many swimmers don't know anything about rip currents, and they have no idea how to survive when caught in one.
Some of its more startling statistics concerned children.