This news was followed by an even more startling report.
If there is a good rule of thumb about the Federal Reserve, it is this: A startling economic report is not enough to sway policy.
Governor Wallace made the startling report to the General Assembly who began to wrangle over what action should be taken.
The need for a new approach was underscored a few years ago in a startling report by the Correctional Association of New York.
There was even a startling report of "20 to 30 Tiger tanks."
He described one 50-page report on freezing as "the most startling, and most succinct report on murder in the history of criminology."
The next thing was a shrill whistle overhead, and then a most startling report.
Then, the next day, came another startling report, that Chemical Bank was merging with Manufacturers Hanover.
In early 1996, the United States received a startling report from one of its Chinese spies.
'I'm not surprised: the pilot has never had such a startling report to make the governor,'Ramagesaid.