Pariente is foremost an artist who combines the skills of art and architecture to create startling pieces of work.
But the most startling piece of petty larceny is the book's central relationship: Henry and Stanton.
As for safety concerns, a startling piece of information has been ignored or downplayed.
The gap between these two extremes is what this startling piece is about, performed by a highly gifted company.
The most startling piece is by a 17-year-old boy writing under the pseudonym Terminator.
He didn't stop with that startling piece of information.
My first response to this startling piece of information was, why didn't Freud try it on one of his hysterics?
The one startling piece of news in all of his chatter is that Svidrigailov has shot himself.
But Mr. Laqueur also includes some startling current pieces of detail.
These collections often contain at least one startling piece, one unforgettable story or poem.