The startling bit of business made the audience gasp.
It is what makes gossips turn out in rain and storm to go and be the first to tell a startling bit of news.
A startling bit of news, this, from Rose, the telephone operator.
And in a startling bit of news for a beleaguered $582 billion travel industry, many seem undeterred from going abroad.
Australia, he would find, was filled with such startling bits of savage beauty.
The chapter on meat, poultry and eggs offers another startling bit of information about grilling.
Dimpel paused and watched Christopher's face, as if awaiting a reaction to some startling bit of information.
It was a startling bit of news.
Yet they evoke startling bits of individual personality.
I presume that the Captain's presence indicates that you have some startling bit of political intelligence to bestow upon me?