It was a challenge for Railways to start civil works in such a difficult site which is surrounded by river bodies from all sides.
William was awarded a licence to crenellate in 1474 and quickly started major works to extend and improve the castle.
Bastianini started needed public works, building hospitals, sewage systems and roads in the area.
As all designs had several flaws, it was decided to start works on an indigenous design.
In primitive conditions, the bureau started works upon a utility aircraft Szpak-1.
People generally wait for new moon to start new works.
It is the Miro who started strong, painted extraordinary works in the 1920's and early 30's and remained uneven for the rest of his career.
Under this name, the mission continued to start new evangelical works in overlooked communities across the United States.
After starting works for the construction of an alleged hotel in central Tirana, he escaped to Switzerland with several million dollars.
Finally, an agreement was reached and in late April 2004 both sides started separate works building a road and placing control buildings.