It will start with a 12-week flight on six New York stations and six Florida stations.
The fourth period started on May 28, 2007 with a scheduled flight of Atlasjet to Istanbul-Atatürk.
It started operations on 7 July 1990 with a flight from Lisbon to Porto.
The airline started operations on 29 April 2005 with a flight from Thiruvananthapuram to Abu Dhabi.
The service, Delta's first between New York and London, is expected to start later this year, with a second daily flight to be added next spring.
Regular airline service started on 29 January 2005 with a flight from Tortug' Air.
Operations started on November 23, 1982 with a flight from Cairo to Amsterdam to London.
The first scheduled jet airliner passenger service started in May of 1952, with a flight carrying 36 people from London to Johannesburg.
The P-51G is a full-size representation of the second world war Mustang and the design was started in 1988 with a first flight in 1998.