If he starts viewing black people as equals, can you imagine what kind of trouble he could get in?
When the boy Annie likes is seen flirting with another girl, that's enough for her to start viewing a lot of things as sinful.
But pitchers will have to start viewing the 27-year-old utility man differently because he has become a different hitter.
He explicitly encouraged them to start viewing it as a headquarters, which demanded certain comforts.
Once taxpayers started viewing the poor as workers, not welfare cheats, a more generous era would ensue.
As a result, fund executives will probably start viewing each other with a more jaundiced eye.
More fundamentally, the press should start viewing the election not as two campaigns but as a national conversation.
"After the incident, I started viewing the world a little differently," Washington said.
Yet when the two confront each other, she forgives him, and can then start viewing her husband more sympathetically.
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