He started trimming his siblings' hair when he was 10 and eventually offered free haircuts to all the children in his neighborhood.
And why do gardeners start trimming the moment you hit the sunlounger with all wrinkle-beating creams thoroughly applied?
He said his firm had a large position on drillers, but would start trimming those holdings.
But he, too, said he believed that the Fed might have to start trimming rates in early 2007, possibly in the spring, as the economy slowed.
"Also, in anticipation of a recession," he said, "you want to start trimming back on cyclical stocks such as chemicals, papers and metals."
McDonnell Douglas may start trimming costs by contracting out some work that has been performed in house.
Not only are we not going to get any more help, we're going to start trimming our expenses, and I mean right now.
She would start trimming costs, she said, by reducing the $2 billion that Congress spends on itself.
And just as it finally did start trimming its forecast, consumer prices began rising more than expected.
Yet, he conceded his team was immature and he was ready to start trimming the roster.