Hernández, vying with Sterling Hitchcock and David Wells for one of two starting spots, would not discuss the confrontation.
Starting spots are decided by the team's coaches and manager.
The other eight players on the roster, including Sue Wicks, a former Rutgers standout, will battle for the remaining three starting spots.
This season, there will be more fully financed race teams than there are starting spots in each race.
They allow freshmen to compete for starting spots.
Three other offensive players and two defensive players moved up to starting spots for Saturday's game.
The top two time-trial qualifiers were also guaranteed the top two starting spots.
She became a popular mascot of the show, and eventually started landing spots on various Japanese variety shows.
With Seubert out, three rookies fill starting spots and another player will be signed this week to fill Seubert's roster spot.
The Swedes promptly won starting spots, ousting American players.