His comeback from major surgery has been troubled, as his last start (three innings, nine runs), showed.
The start to the 2006 season showed that Clayton had returned to his healthy past of 2004.
Chelsea's start to the season shows it is not easy for a competition to retain both quality and competitive balance.
He got his start by singing in talent shows at an early age then moved on to playing keyboards.
Wingate hoped that his start of surprise and amusement did not show externally.
A violent start immediately showed the extent of his emotion.
'We've still a way to go but I look for improvement all the time and our start this season has shown just that.'
The start of 2007 showed a little more promise, with construction of one of the buildings underway.
Many of the rest are watching the Fox network, which got its start by broadcasting shows that draw younger viewers.
The start of the fourth season shows Alby fully recovered from the explosion.