To such objections he had a rigid answer: 'When you start on an honorable course, pursue it to the end.
It had started on a converging course before the barracuda saw him and snap!
Luckily, my obstetrician got me started on a course of dicloxacillin and his nurse was right when she said it would work quickly.
She was started on a yearlong course of chemotherapy.
He started on a course of art history, but did not finish it.
But they started him on a new course of treatment yesterday and he's begun to respond.
So after three days of practice, the players were ready to start on a course that will offer a challenge from the first tee.
He started on a circuitous course that would bring him to the cottage.
He entered the car and started on an uptown course.
For the past few years it had struck me as odd that Amphitryon never said anything about starting me on a course of military training.