Walked back to the Linotype and turned the switch that would start melting the type metal in the pot.
But they do note that candles start melting at 100 degrees and thin plastic containers are often distorted by the treatment.
He put a glass pie plate on the stove and started melting sugar.
This one's eyes blazed until the snow started melting around my shoes.
Then, the story turns darker as on the horizon the people see fire "and the water did rise and the snow started melting away."
Then you can set your forge up and start melting down the take.
Your body heat starts melting the ice and someone official will yell at you.
"The rain won't start melting things all at once."
I sat still, enjoying it all and wondering whether she wasn't perhaps going to start melting all over again.
Wait till the glaciers start melting down, Clan thought grimly.