Hill has given more playing time to the second-year guard in an effort to see if he is capable of being the kind of starting guard who can dominate a game.
In addition, perennial scorer Sam Jones played so poorly that he lost his position as starting shooting guard to Larry Siegfried.
Now he has been moved to starting left guard.
He later played starting left guard on the Texas Longhorns team of 1929 and 1930 under coach Clyde Littlefield.
Caley began the 1898 season as Michigan's starting left guard.
Stefanski said the team made the decision to pursue Iverson after starting guard Louis Williams suffered a broken jaw and was expected to miss at least 30 games.
He became the Magic's starting shooting guard, contributing to the team's 52-30 record and landing the 3rd seed in the Eastern Conference for the 2008 Playoffs.
Wood immediately became the Bills starting right offensive guard next to center Geoff Hangartner, with Levitre at left guard.
She has started as right guard in every career game.
Also gone were starting right guard, Hugh Wilson, and starting left guard, "Duke" Dunne.