Then, I would start funding military projects.
In early 2004, the city and community funded Fort Discovery until January 2005, when the state started funding the center once more.
It got into trouble when its construction division started funding the development division in real estate deals that turned sour.
The Indian government started funding her efforts, and prizes and accolades followed.
Back in 2002, Trinity College started funding me to work on XFree86 4.3 debs, a while before its release.
Researchers and investors in space elevator technology hope to start funding the construction of the first elevator by 2031.
Concerned parents and government, wanting to know the dangers their children were risking, started funding dozens and later hundreds of marijuana health studies.
In 2005, TfL started funding a small number of additional peak time and late evening services on the line, to relieve the worst overcrowding.
From 2000, Bliss decided to spend less money on equipment and started funding medical training and research.
China has never formally recognised Indian sovereignty here and it took their surprise invasion of 1962 before Delhi really started funding significant infrastructure.