But the servant girl used some pine twigs instead, and a short time later, a storm started brewing.
Under these conditions, a feeling of discontent had started brewing among Kannadigas outside Mysore.
The longer this drags on, the more likely it is that revolt will start brewing in other parts of Alexandria.
The first member of the family to start brewing was Thomas Daniel during the 18th century, who produced beer for the workers on his farm.
Then the next storm started brewing in the Gulf, and our period of good humor came to an abrupt end.
He started it brewing, then came back and perched on a leather hassock.
Without it, Europe instantly becomes uncompetitive and trouble starts brewing.
Why, why, why hadn't I started more penicillin brewing at once?
But on some nights shortly after the lights-out call, a little trouble would start brewing on the quiet Methodist campus.
Nine months had passed since the drought and a new problem had started brewing.