The interview that Hercule Poirot managed to arrange with Sir George Sanderfield did not start too auspiciously.
The day did not start auspiciously.
The season started auspiciously, with decent rainfall in the spring, said Tom Brodhecker, 72, who farms 700 acres in Sussex County.
Their evening began around 11:30 at the Cabanas, the open-air bar at the Maritime Hotel, where things did not start auspiciously.
If the piece starts out so auspiciously, that is because the entire first segment is devoted to Mr. Richardson in all his absolute glory.
Last night's ceremony, the 53rd, started auspiciously and didn't end all that poorly, either.
The day starts auspiciously for a middle-aged man who brought his 13-year-old son, Paul, to his first Warped Tour.
The game started auspiciously for the Yankees.
"Since your path leads you to the secular world I must ensure that it starts auspiciously."
It started auspiciously.