The triumphant 1990's themselves started amid the state's most severe postwar recession.
The disturbances started amid accusations of police brutality in an arrest on Tuesday night.
The breakthrough is starting amid economic chaos, ethnic strife and consumer panic.
Cooking Light, started in 1987 amid the trend toward healthier cooking, has also been a success.
And his fourth started amid the chaos of 24,000 percent hyperinflation.
The government's monitoring of community care implementation started last week amid claims it is sending in the inspectors too soon.
The stock market started last week amid worry about possible terrorist threats and was not able to recover.
The college soccer season started this weekend, amid some dissension over decisions made off the field since last year.
That was when the shouting started, amid the explosions back in the city, and the screaming.
In 1998, Congress ordered annual reports starting this year, amid concerns about teacher quality.